Don’t vote because a famous person said to

“Make your voice heard…”  “Rock the vote…”

Around every election season, we get the unrelenting plea to do our civic duty by voting.  I’m going to take the opposite stance – if you’re voting because your favorite star or Facebook told you to, just don’t.

It seems just sad to vote because someone who entertains you tells you to, and often even tells you who to vote for.  Actors and singers are just genetic outliers who happen to be better looking or sounding than the general population.  They often live in extremely isolated worlds where all their moves are carefully choreographed.  They have no real “expertise” beyond living in fantasy worlds that are emotionally manipulated to seem more interesting than yours.  They are not your friends, or your mentors, or your leaders, even when they pretend to be.  The clever things they say on TV or in their songs are written by far smarter, uglier screenwriters.  The characters they portray are usually far superior to themselves.  Unless you’ve really done your research, stay at home and keep watching Netflix instead.  Your country needs you to…

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